Seaway Transportation

Seaway Transportation

Turkey and World Ports (Türkiye ve Dünya Limanları): EPL Logistics offers heavy freight and crane service on the ports throughout Turkey and the world in parallel with seaway transportation. Transportation and crane services for out-of-gauge or heavy tonnage freights impossible to ship between the countries by highway from factory to the port or from port to the factory are also offered.


 Port Machine Transportation,

 Open Top / OP Container Transportation,

 Flat Rack / FC Container Transportation,

 Ambarlı Port Heavy Freight Transportation,

 Haydarpasa Port Heavy Freight Transportation,

 Izmir Port Heavy Freight Transportation,

 Gemlik Port Heavy Freight Transportation,

 Derince Port Heavy Freight Transportation,

 Yılport Port Heavy Freight Transportation,

 Evyap Port Heavy Freight Transportation,

 Mersin Port Heavy Freight Transportation,

 Antalya Port Heavy Freight Transportation,